Children’s Day: President General Ofeme Progressive Union Federated Call on Parents and Guardians on Children’s


President General Ofeme Progressive Union Federated Call on Parents and Guardians on Children’s

“I call on parents and guardians to guide their children away from harmful influences such as cultism, drug abuse, and other vices that may inhibit their growth and development. The biblical injunction in Proverbs 23:6 has brought home this admonition vividly: ‘Train up a child in the way he should go: And when he is old, he will not depart from it.

“It is our shared responsibility to ensure that our children are not only shielded from detrimental elements but are also provided with opportunities to excel in their academic and moral education.” – Onyinye Ohuhu.

This admonition by Prince Onyinyechi Ofoegbu at the 2024 Children’s Day Celebration reflects his recognition of the role of parents in protecting their children from negative influences and guiding them towards a positive and productive path in life.

It further highlights the fact that the government’s efforts alone are not enough; it requires a collective endeavour from the community to nurture the leaders of tomorrow and cultivate a generation that will continue to uphold the values of integrity, diligence, and excellence.”

Nwokonna Emmanuel.
Voice from Ofeme!