For any inflectional leader, going through a crisis is a rite of passage. After all, it’s easy to be a good manager when everything is going well, but your ability as a leader is truly tested when there is a true crisis.

Leadership at the inflection point requires recognizing what is ending and then sensing and shaping what is emerging in advance of, or in response to, an adaptive challenge. Individuals can initiate the change process by consciously assessing their own way of living and of leading others.

High Chief Victor Ikeji is a leader at a time when Nigeria and Nigerians are going through the worst period of hardship, where starvation knocks on every door, and he is working to change the situation,

He is planing for a better future and initiating programmes that provide an intentional solution to ease the crises.

You can’t tell a man who is starved to go and learn skill with an empty stomach, you can’t tell a child of school age to go to school with starvation, and you can’t tell a homeless man to become an entrepreneur, when he doesn’t have a home to lay his head.

These situations made Victor Ikeji to formulate ways to ease the hardship and starvation.
So the mayor is providing free food to the poorest of the poor with his agricultural mission, home to the poor and homeless people and reduce cost of food to the middle-class families.

And so many people who are sick because of the excruciating hardship, the mayor is carrying out free medical services across the two clan of the local government area.

Mayor is aware that a healthy population promotes a wealthy economy.

You don’t tell a story of a better future to the hungry, sick and homeless people, it makes no sense to them. Those blaming the mayor for trying to solve those basic problems are men whose power to reasoning is poor.

This is an era where hunger kills more than sickness, an era where high blood pressure is the king of all ailments and fear of tomorrow is a dreaded belief.

The real issue with crisis management is that it is incredibly unpredictable. Because you never know when or what kind of crisis will strike. Next.

The Nigeria’s currency is suffering from Epilepsy, it can go high in the morning and in another hour, it fainted to the ground like an earthworm.

We need leaders like Mayor Victor Ikeji with vast progressive ideas that will rejuvenate our deplorable economy in Nigeria.

He is a leader with such beautiful progressive ideas, and he is also open to collective reasoning and productive wisdom that will breed positive change.

Many argue that the old politicians are with dead ideas that give no growth, they accept that these sorts of leaders have no commitment to progress.

Political leadership is a distincter by the leader’s contents of character, and it’s also distinguishing when a leader is virtuous or animatic in headship.

.These two factors help in manual classification, which adjudicate his or her output and input as it impacts on the people.

In the past months, the input and output of mayor VICTOR IKEJI has become an apparatus of an Evidential measurement of his prudent leadership, and it has apparently made him bulge or overhang in the midst of other leaders.

One thing that is very crucial in the making of an outstanding leader is a strong character, that has the foundation on honesty and intelligence.

As soon as a growing leader has these attributes, he will surely have a productive governance.

When leadership is productive, it means its impact on the masses is progressive, and today people seek for progressive leaders and not looters.

High Chief Victor Ikeji has brought progressive leadership to Umuahia North Council and the productivity is felt in all the nooks and crannies of the land.

The golden mayor has become phenomenal in his governance because he galvanizes his leadership with passion and his passion breeds compassion towards the poor masses.

His leadership is principally geared towards making the people self-sufficient and self-dependent.

There is satisfaction across the board, when everyone can be able to afford three square meals, have three levels of formal education, have a good home, and be self-dependent…

He has embarked the youths on ICT training and led the police boss to criminal den to convert it to juicy and productive venture, today the motor park is light up.

This is why the leadership of mayor VICTOR IKEJI is working towards ensuring food sufficiency through encouraging of mechanized commercial farming which is pointing from ulonna farm settlement, empowerment of enterprise, that is the engine room of any domestic economy, and lastly providing education and skills to the teeming youth so that the future can be fortified.

I mentioned earlier that honesty is the Harbinger of productive leadership, I was sincere in my preposition, High Chief Victor Ikeji is honest towards his desire to build a five-star local government area, whose economy will be driven by the private sector.

The Umuahia North boss is passionate about the building of a new capital city for he knows this will be a major economic driver that will instantly change the Status of the State from a civil service economy to a private sector . .

That is a sacrificial lifestyle, putting the people first and depriving yourself of your legal comfort, it is a very exemplary way to lead.

Mayor Victor Ikeji is honest, people-centric, and prudent in the management of resources, above all, his leadership is a very peaceful…