Opinion: Governor Alex Otti’s All-Round Achievements
Governor Alex Otti’s All-Round Achievements
Governor Alex Otti’s commitment to a peaceful and Prosperous Abia State heralds the emerging global attraction and demand: to come, to live and to invest in Abia state.
A look at the New Abia blueprint, the priorities on Agriculture, Rural Development, Infrastructural Development, Security and Educational Advancement highlights a leadership approach that explores development with the necessary components for consolidation and expansion.
Whether across party lines, religious affiliations or social status, His Excellency, Dr Alex Chioma Otti remains committed to a model of political inclusion and economic equality at all levels . We all can attest to these through the New Abia deliverables in the last one year. From entrepreneurial grants and trainings with the international community initiative, interest free loans to traders, the bulk purchase initiative, the elderly people’s support, and palliatives to the vulnerable members of our society.
His Excellency’s governance exemplar is one every leader should adopt. His actions should drive every Abians looking to make solid impressions and contributions to dream more, learn more, do more and become more.
Abia has been, and is still progressing to a DESTINATION OF CHOICE. Let’s support the New Abia guide to Good Governance.
Nwokonna Emmanuel; voice from Ofeme